Are the available rooms listed on the website?A1
Room availability is not listed on the website. Room availability changes often,Q2
What documents do I need to bring with me when I sign the contract?A2
We require a copy of the passport of all individuals staying on the property.Q3
How should I apply for a room at Choei Monthly Mansion? How will things proceed after I email you?A3
Please apply using the form on our website. We will send you an invoice after all dates are finalized.Q1
Can I cancel my reservation beforehand?A1
You can cancel but there is a cancellation fee depending on how far in advance you cancel. There is no cancellation fee if you cancel more than 15 days ahead of your check-in date. If you cancel 14 to 5 days before your check-in date the cancellation fee is 30%. If you cancel 6 days or less before the check-in date the cancellation fee is 50%.Q2
Can I cancel my contract in the middle of my stay?A2
You may cancel you contract in the middle of your stay. However,Q3
Can I extend my period of stay?A3
As long as there are no other reservations for the property, you can extend your stay.Q1
How can I pay my rental fees?A1
Choei accepts payment by PayPal and international wire transfer.Q2
Are there additional fees for extra persons to stay in one room?A2
For every additional adult who stays in the room, you will be charged an additional ¥1500.Q3
What are the fees for children staying at Choei Monthly Mansion?A3
Children younger than elementary age are free. Elementary school age children are additional ¥1000 a day.Q1
How can I get my room key from Choei Monthly Mansion?A1
On weekdays between 12 noon and 6 PM, you can come get your key from Choei Monthly Mansion Kyoto Station office. If you would like to get your key outside of business hours or on weekends or national holidays, we will contact you.Q2
How do I return my key when I check-out?A2
Please leave the key to your room in the mailbox of your room upon check-out.Q3
What time is check-in? What time is check-out?A3
You can check-in anytime after 12 noon. You can check-out anytime before 6 PM.Q1
What appliances are included in the room?A1
Appliances vary by property. Details are included in the documents you will receive upon check-in.Q2
What should I do if something in the room breaks or is broken?A2
Please contact Choei immediately if anything is broken.Q3
Is internet (wired Ethernet, Wi-Fi) available in the apartments?A3
Yes. All apartments are available to use internet(WiFi).Q1
Will a maid come and clean my room?A1
We’re sorry, but there is no cleaning service at Choei Monthly Mansion apartments.Q2
Can you add an extra bed to the room?A2
We don’t provide extra beds, but extra “futon” Japanese-style bedding is available.Q3
Where should I throw out my trash?A3
Please separate your trash into burnable and recyclable trash and place it clear bags.