
 Business HotelChoei Short Stay Apartment
Room Sizeabout 15m222m2 and up
Minimum Length of Stay2 Days 1 Night30 Days 29 Nights
FacilitiesFridge, TV, coffee maker, bedBed, full suite of home appliances(※1)
Bath and ToiletSame roomSeparated
PricesChange based on the seasonYear-round flat price (※2)
English Booking
Rental Bicycle
Washing Machine×
Front Desk×
24-hour Assistance
Room Cleaning Service×
Turn-down service   ×(※3)
Internet   ○(※4)

※For this comparison, we are using CMM series Monthly apartments as an example.
CMM series includes CMM Kyoto Station, and CMM Cristate.
These rooms are only an example, not all rooms have the same facilities.

※1 You can find a list of the home appliances available in each room here.
※2 Choei offers discounts on these price suring certain times of the year.
※3 One set of sheets is available per bed. Residents are responsible for changing their own sheets.
※4 Internet connections in CMM apartments are currently Wi-fi based.

Pros of Staying in a Short Stay Apartment

For every extra resident in a room, there is an additional ¥1000 fee per day.
※This fee includes an extra Japanese-style bed set for each extra resident.
CMM Short Stay Apartment apartments are very well-lit and have a bright, positive atmosphere.
Even on weekends and during busy seasons, the price does not go up.
For moderate or long stays, Short Stay Apartment is cheaper than a hotel.
There are no curfews or restrictions. Residents are free to come and go as they please.
Since only residents are allowed in the building, you can maintain your privacy safely.
There’s a kitchen in which you can prepare your own meals. This is both convenient and saves money.
Most rooms are double-bed rooms, but there are rooms available with all sizes of beds.
Minimum length of stay in short stay apartment start is 30 days and 29 nights.

Cons of Staying in Short Stay Apartment

When you run out of kleenex or toilet paper etc, you must go out and buy it yourself.
We do however replace batteries if the batteries in any of your home appliances run out.